SEO Crash Course

SEO Crash Course
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If you’re new to the behind-the-scenes world of website applications, there’s going to be a lot of technical jargon that is new to you. One such phrase that you’re sure to start hearing a lot is search engine optimization, better known as SEO. SEO’s whole goal is to make your business’s online presence stronger and therefore provide more prominent business leads. This process will become a crucial step in developing your website for the best results.

As you may have deduced from the name, SEO makes it easier to find your website through search engines. This involves consolidating relevant information into your website by way of something called keywords. In other words, these keywords make it so that your website appears organically at the top of search engine results without paid sponsoring. How do you know which words to use? Here at My Website Spot, we can help you narrow down your focus by performing a keyword analysis that enables us to make informed decisions on which words will get your website the most attention (pertaining to your business, of course).

SEO can benefit your website by putting it at the top of search results which means you’re far more likely to expand your client base and bring in new business. Think about the last time you searched for something on the internet. How easy was it to find what you were looking for? If you weren’t immediately satisfied with the results, did you click to page two, or did you type up a new search in the hopes that it would yield better results? A staggering statistic shows that 91% of consumers do not navigate past page one of a search result, and half of those consumers don’t even read past the third result.

This all makes it sound like you can never have too much SEO for your website, but don’t get comfortable with that idea. All things in moderation, as they say. It is absolutely possible and even dangerous to have too much SEO, more commonly referred to as keyword stuffing. The act of loading a website full of keywords, either through meta tags or written content such as blog posts. This practice can be downright harmful to your website because it causes the site to be penalized by search engines such as google ─ who have warned webmasters that keyword stuffing will lower a page’s rank or get it removed altogether.

SEO can be very beneficial to small businesses, but it is a fine line to walk alone, so let us walk it with you. We’re here to help!


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