Advanced Server Protection and Real-Time Threat Detection Providing unlimited malware remediation, ensuring your server remains secure and optimized. With this service, our dedicated Security team will work on removing any malware if your server is affected. The service includes constant updates to protect against threats, and a wide range of optimizations such as Server, PHP, SSH, cPanel, and FTP hardening, HTTP and MySQL intrusion protection, Brute Force Detection and Prevention, Anti-spam and anti-virus protection, and Daily Vulnerability Scanning. Our specialists will optimize and strengthen server security by updating Apache and mod_sec rules, assisting with server hardening, malware protection, and the remediation process.
Advanced Server Protection and Real-Time Threat Detection offers live monitoring software that allows our team to watch your server 24/7. This software identifies suspicious activities or processes, escalating cases before major issues arise. Within the Threat Stack Platform, events are reviewed, processed, and compared against Rule Sets that trigger alerts for review. Our 24/7/365 Security Operations Center (SOC) will triage high-severity alerts, investigate them, and escalate as necessary. This service focuses on mitigating the risk of pre-emptive threat occurrences, providing comprehensive intrusion detection and real-time threat management.
Available only on dedicated servers and VPS. (Hosting)