Experienced Guidance

In our years of experience in this industry we have gathered a wide range of knowledge that have built our processes and methods. We stay up to date with current trends, happenings, and opportunities for our clients. Our process is maximized to be as efficient as possible to provide a custom-tailored experience for all clients in any industry. We are confident in our abilities to work with clients and develop websites that achieve sales and lead generation goals, data collection, SEO rankings, and more. Clients deserve more than a flashy website; they deserve one that drives results.

Adam Taylor, CEO

Adam, the original founder of My Website Spot, is a highly capable and versatile individual with a broad range of skills. He serves as a primary liaison for client and partner relations, identifies opportunities for automation, spearheads direct marketing initiatives, and provides valuable consultations to our clients. Additionally, he manages the company’s financials, streamlines internal processes, and serves as our human resource manager. Adam’s impressive range of capabilities instills confidence in our team and clients, ensuring the continued success of My Website Spot.

Jerald Huff, CTO

Jerald Huff, our CTO, teamed up with Adam in 2010 to help maintain client relationships and usher in an era of mobile responsive websites. Jerald specialized in the HVAC industry, creating websites that made managing services, customers and employees from mobile devices affordable for small businesses. From there, the two created 100-point vehicle inspection, HVAC inspection, and GPS Tracking web applications. Adam and Jerald were an unstoppable duo!

Courtney Goodling, Lead Developer

Courtney, our Lead Website Developer, joined the team in 2016 and reinvented our entire approach to Web Design on WordPress. Her goal was to empower clients with the tools and knowledge they need to manage their own websites. She believes that a website shouldn’t be something to be afraid of but instead a function of growth where every business should embrace their online presence.

Sarah Urasaki, SEO Assistant

Sarah, SEO Assistant at My Website Spot, specializes in optimizing websites and refining SEO strategies. Passionate about collaboration, she helps clients identify opportunities for growth, enhance content, and ensure alignment with the latest SEO trends, driving measurable improvements in their online visibility and success.

Morgan Prenitzer, Administrative Support

Morgan brought her administrative and customer service expertise to the My Website Spot team in 2021. She has become an integral part of customer relations, working with our clients to provide consistent website maintenance and updates. Her goal with every client is to make sure they feel heard and confident that any updates or issues that they come across are handled professionally and expediently.

Lance (My Website Spot's puppy) Profile Picture

Sir Lancelot, Human Puppervisor

Lancelot, our Human Puppervisor, was adopted Dec. 8, 2021 to oversee distribution of treats and handling of projects with a paw of precision. His wagging tail of welcome and enthusiasm toward a fun and creative environment are infectious and encouraged after a round of toy juggling. Lancelot helps keep the team grounded so we can in-turn help our clients reach the stars.

Spot heart graphic

The My Website Spot Family

Later in 2020, Adam and Jerald hired several new members to cater to our growing client base and their online presence needs. My Website Spot received a brand facelift, and our mascot “Spot”, was born. We continue to scale our company as the demand for our services grows with the global “shift” to a work from home environment.